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ecusson bareges

Book a room for an event

The village council chamber

Numbers : 20
Make a booking at the Town Hall by calling 05 62 92 68 01


Numbers : 120 / 130
Facilities : bar area, sink and toilets
Address your request for a booking in writing to the Town Hall
Cost : 50 €

activity CENTRE

A meeting room can be hired with paperboards and loan of video projector.
Information and booking: Contact the Director of the Hélios Centre, Ms Monique Midan on 05 62 92 17 00

ecusson bottom

Mairie de Barèges
4 place Urbain Cazaux
65120 Barèges
Phone : 05 62 92 68 01

mini map

Opening time

From Monday to Friday
09:00 to 12:00
14:00 to 17:30

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